Bryant Ross

Bryant Ross is the host of Vancouver Story Slam, Canada’s
longest-running monthly storytelling event. Bryant’s storytelling
talent reaches deep into the ancient tradition of oral history, grabs
onto the gut-twisting truths and hard realities of human existence,
and pulls up handfuls of simplesweet joy, unspeakable sorrow, and
bright explosions of humorous revelations. His hypnotizing, dynamic
performance style leaves audience members aching with laughter,
choking back quiet tears of heartbreak, and pondering the blood and
beauty of the human condition. Bryant was the Vancouver Story Slam
champion in both 2009 and 2014, and has featured at numerous literary
events including the Under the Volcano Festival of Art and Social
Change, the Vancouver International Storytelling Festival, and the
Main Street Car Free Day. He is a father, an artist, a
thirty-five-year veteran of the Township of Langley Fire Department,
and a damn fine baker of pies.

April 25: Vancouver Story Slam Invitational Verses 2018 Edition 6:30 – 8:45 pm Wise Hall