Verses Festival of Words
Canadian Individual Poetry Slam Championship
Vancouver Poetry Slam
Verses 2019 - Hullabaloo team performance
Add Your Voice
Slide 1 | Verses Festival of Words | Text Right Align

Verses Festival of Words

Celebrate the transformative power of language at Verses Festival of Words
Slide 2 | Hullabaloo | Text Left Align


A Celebration of Spoken Word by BC Youth featuring the BC High School Poetry Slam Championship.
Slide 3 | CIPS

Canadian Individual Poetry Slam Championship

Each April, poets from across the country come to town to compete for the title of national individual slam champion!!
Slide 4 | Vancouver Poetry Slam

Vancouver Poetry Slam

Canada’s longest-running poetry slam
Slide 5 | WordPlay Poets

WordPlay Poets

Poetry in Schools
Contemporary, professional spoken word artists bring poetry to life in the classroom.
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Vancouver Poetry Slam

Vancouver Poetry Slam

The poetry slam was invented by Marc Smith, a construction worker in Chicago in 1984. He was frustrated by snooty, elitist poets who appeared to have no interest in connecting with a live audience, and decided to stage a poetry reading in which the audience would have a way of giving the poets direct feedback – through scores.
Hullabaloo | BC's Youth Spoken Word Festival

BC’s Youth Spoken Word Festival

Hullabaloo is BC’s Youth Spoken Word Festival featuring workshops, showcase performances and some of BC’s finest high school aged poets all sharing work for peers and audiences alike.
Verses Festival of Words

Verses Festival of Words

Canada’s largest alternative literary arts festival, Verses Festival of Words offers up dynamic programming celebrating a broad definition of literary arts, including spoken word poetry, storytelling, page-based poetry, singer-songwriters, improvisers, and more. Come be swept away in a wave of word-bending wonder, where activism and art take centre stage. Experience the transformative power of words, written, spoken, and sung.


Contemporary, active poets give relevance and immediacy to poetry in the classroom.


Poetry Jam #1

February 20 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

ABOUT POETRY JAM “It takes a community to build an artist, whether we resist against it, or are nurtured by it.” For all poets and folks interested in spoken word poetry. Poetry Jam offers an opportunity for folks to write, edit, rehearse, discuss, and share spoken word poetry. Led by … Continued