Wordplay Poets Coordinator Job Posting



Vancouver Poetry House


June 8, 2018






Part-time position coordinating poetry in schools program. WordPlay poets stage spoken word performances, host events, make keynote speeches, and conduct workshops in dozens of venues every year, everything from high schools to writers’ festivals, community centres to business conferences.


The WordPlay coordinator works anywhere from 5 to 20 hours per week depending on number of contracts.

Current responsibilities include:

Roster Hiring/Training/Retention: gathering and updating roster information; determining if and when roster positions are available/need to be filled; creating and leading a hiring process when or as needed; train or arrange for training for new hires;

Promotion: contract graphic designer/write copy for and manage distribution of WordPlay brochure for September release (brochures printed and mailed to Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley/Sea-to-Sky elementary and secondary schools); ensure accurate, up-to-date roster/program info is on the website; draft and send out monthly/semi-monthly newsletters; promote Hullabaloo registration/All Star Slam ticket sales; arrange project partnership(s) with other local organizations on a case-by-case basis;

Bookings: arrange bookings with clients (accept/respond to requests, determine reasonable booking rates as needed for non-standard bookings*, send invoices and follow-up on late payments, fill out and submit any required paperwork, send poets call outs about gigs, select poets/curate artists per booking [balancing individual styles, experience levels, and work distribution], follow-up bookings with a request for evaluation from clients, determine if/when subsidies to be offered); keep booking/poet payment trackers up-to-date;

Other: develop new projects for booking; assist clients in the development/writing of grants to support residencies/subsidized visits; coordinate Hullabaloo workshops for registered teams and take ticket sales for Hullabaloo All Star Slam; coordinate and direct Word Camp: Youth Slam Intensive

Things the coordinator could/should pursue in addition to this:

– Researching additional revenue streams (grants, foundations)
– Expansion and development of elementary school programming
– Expansion and development of outreach in mainland BC beyond Fraser Valley
– Expansion and development of workshop/performance clients outside of schools/community organizations
– Development and implementation of a Vancouver Poetry House workshop series in partnership with Van Slam/Verses
– Development and implementation of program policies as needed

*One function of WordPlay – internally – is to act as a rate-setter for spoken word artists, helping to establish professional standards for paying spoken word artists for their work. Local VPH poets – on and off the roster – are encouraged to employ WordPlay rates as a minimum when pursuing work with schools and institutions.


Apply by sending resume to hello@vancouverpoetryhouse.com with the subject line: “wordplay poets coordinator”