EGM Announcement and Call for Nominations

The staff and board of Vancouver Poetry House invite you to the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on August 12, 2018 to elect a new board, subsequent to the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Come to vote, to run for the board, to support and grow our poetry community. To run for the board, you only have to put your name forward at the EGM for a position, either yourself or by another person in attendance. If you cannot attend the meeting, you may run by proxy.

We can have up to 11 Directors and we are looking to fill all positions on the list below. Elections will be held for the following roles:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Member at Large

Additional information on the specific roles and board membership can be found here:

VPH Board of Member Job Description –

BC Societies Act –

Feel free to ask for more info.

To vote you need to be a member of the society which costs $5. Memberships will be available for purchase at the EGM. Membership lasts until the next AGM.

To vote you also need to be at the EGM in person; no voting by proxy allowed.

When: Sunday Aug 12, 2018, 2:00 p.m.

Where: The Lore Krill Co-op, 65 Cordova Street West (Cordova  between Abbott and Carrall).

If you have any questions prior to the meeting, contact us through the VPH Facebook page. (