VPH Board Member Job Description

Board Member Job Description


  • The hourly commitment as a board member can range from 5 to 15 hours per month
  • Read all the Vancouver Poetry House constitution, by-laws and policies in the New Board Member Welcome Package.  
  • Attend board meetings. Any board member who misses 3 or more meetings within a 12-month period, without giving the board a reasonable excuse, is subject to removal from the board.
  • Attend the next Van Slam Family meeting to become acquainted with the spoken word / slam community in Vancouver, and introduce yourself to them. This is an essential step to maintain and build trust between the VPH board and the wider community.
  • Serve on at least one committee or board function (ie. secretary, treasurer, chair, and president count toward this as well). Current committees include finance, nominations (board development), web, and development (fundraising).
  • Make at least one financial donation to Vancouver Poetry House (beyond purchasing a membership) each year of a size that is meaningful to you. This demonstrates a commitment to the goals of the organization, and allows you, as a board member, to ask others to join you in supporting our cause, a proven benefit in raising funds.
  • Act with discretion when mentioning board business to non-board members, and not disclose board discussions unless they are being made public in the official minutes.
  • Act as an ambassador for poetry and spoken word and represent Vancouver Poetry House as an organization.
  • Board members must still be elected by the members of VPH at each AGM


Please be aware that at this time as a board member you do not qualify for any remuneration at VPH sanctioned events. For example, You cannot receive  prize or feature money at poetry slams. Should you qualify for a team or become an individual representative for competition (IWPS/WOWPS), travel and accommodation expenses will come out of your pocket..