Note Concerning Haiku Deathmatch
Verses Festival of Words would like to extend an apology to those who were adversely affected by last night’s late event at Café Deux Soleils. While we are in full support of people feeling empowered enough to display their bodies in whatever way they feel comfortable, and in no way want to slut-shame those who participated in the event, we take responsibility for the fact that it was not the show that was planned for our audience, or the show that many expected to see. We are truly in support of consensual kink culture, however there was clearly not enough warning given for the degree of adult content that was displayed at the show. While we had no expectation that the Haiku Deathmatch would be the moral or spiritual high-point of the festival, and while some of those in attendance have a high tolerance for that particular brand of Rabelaisian humour, we are acutely aware that the level of kink shown was presented non-consensually, without proper warning, and without thoughtfulness for those who might have been affected. It was certainly not the show that the festival had planned and we are truly sorry to anyone who was hurt by it. In response to the event we will be holding an additional Talk the Talk later this week for anyone who would like to decompress, or offer feedback, or receive support around the evening’s events. Details for this Talk the Talk event will be posted on the festival website as soon as they are confirmed.