Last Chance Slam WINNER!!- (Sept 12th 2016)
Congratulations to the winner of tonight’s Last Chance Slam, Johnny MacRae, who will be competing alongside a phenomenal line-up of poets this Wednesday September 14th at Cafe Deux Soleils to determine which poet will be crowned the Vancouver Poetry Slam’s Individual Slam Champion. The winner of Wednesday’s slam will go on to represent Vancouver in the Individual World Poetry Slam in Flagstaff, AZ between Oct 12-15th 2016, as well as the Canadian Individual Poetry Slam between April 20-April 30th 2017.
The following poets will be competing in the playoffs on Wed Sept 14th:
Johnny MacRae
The rules for Wednesday’s slam are the same as usual. Please feel free to review these rules on the Vanslam Website. They will also be reviewed by the host at the beginning of the show.
The format for the evening will be as follows:
The slam will consist of 10 competitors (9 top scorers fro the summer season plus the winner of Monday’s last chance slam). There will be four rounds. All rounds are cumulative (your points from each round will be added together to determine your rank in the slam), all rounds will also be cut from below (those with the highest scores will move on). The order of the rounds will be
Round one – Ten poets perform – 1 min poems
Round two – Eight poets perform – 2 min poems
Round Three – Six poets perform – 3 min poems
Round Four – Four poets perform – 4 min poems
If there is a tie we will have a tie breaker round between the last two poets, this round will be a 3 min poem and will not be cumulative, but rather head to head.
Thank you to all those who performed on Monday night and best of luck to all poets competing this Wednesday!