Century Tracker (Sept 10th 2014)

(In Alphabetical Order)

Update for Sept 10th

Abigail Feresten

1. Tarantula

Alessandra Naccarato

1. Traits of Magical Creatures

2. At Least You’re a Poet

3. You’re Not Invited

4. Praise Be

5. Bold Flower Growing

6. Dear Chickenosaurus

7. Evolution

8. These Are My Heirlooms

9. Bones in the Human Hand

10. Jezebel Rising

11. The Transmutation of Gold

12. In October

Alkemy Roseblade

1. Fit

2. When the Wolf Comes Knocking

3. Feedback Loops

4. The Eyes of a Scientist

5. Pedestal

6. Home For The Holidays (Slamathon)

7. My Hands (slamathon)

Angelica Poversky

1. Facebook High School

2. Trinity

3. POV Atom

4. Women

5. The Elephant in the Room

6. And Time God

7. 1998

8. Hi I’m

Amnesia Jane Smith

1. Laugh Out Loud (Anarchy Slam)

2. Poet’s Anthem

3. How I Know I’m Getting Old

4. Nightmares

6. Reflex

Avash Islam

1. Peanut Butter Sandwiches

Britt MacLeod

1. Mine

2. Number 1.

3. A Different Kind

4. Thank You Dave

5. The Song That is Your Name

6. Touch Me As They Do

7. Forward Shadow Hands

8. And And And

9. Babies in Black Houses

10. Ing Ing Ing

11. Your Dream Oceans

12. Fuck You Disney (Instant Poetry Slam)

13. Raised By Shotguns

14. Selective Hearing

15. Means Doesn’t Mean

16. Scars

17. How Do I Forget You?

18. No Prisoners Taken

19. Last Night’s Thunderstorm

20. Call Me A Bitch

21. Living Room

22. If He Asked Me In My Sleep

23. Fault Lines

24. Gasped Voraciously (feature)

25. On An Island (feature)

26. In The Unlikely Event (feature)

27. The Reasons I’m Afraid I’ve Disappointed You (feature)

28. Yet The World (feature)

29 You Spicy Peanut (Slamathon)

30 People & Their Closeness (Slamathon)

31 This Park (Slamathon)

32 Glassy Eyes (Slamathon)

33 a metallic corral (Slamathon)

34 I Want You. (Slamathon)

35 We Said We’d Meet in Amsterdam (Slamathon)

36 Wet T-Shirt (Slamathon)

37 Half The Time (Slamathon)

38 River to Run (Slamathon)

39. Your Black Dog

40. First Quarter/Half Moon

41. Fear The Ocean

42. Internet Creampie (haiku deathmatch)

43. Broccoli Condom (haiku deathmatch)

44. Hold Me, Hold Me

45. My Boys Are Soft

46. Love Letter to You

47. I’m On Fire


1. Love Neutralizer

2. Uncle (Anarchy Slam)

3. Sunsets Are Overrated

4. Broken Pieces

5. Grip on Faith

6. All the King’s Horses and all The King’s Men

7. Ant Versus Boot

8. My Delilah Why Why Why Delilah

9. Dear Penis

Duncan Shields

1. Attraction (feature)

2. See Snowden Run (feature)

3. Orange Mohawk (feature)

4. Sex and Grammar (feature)

5. Kirk’s Dick (feature)

6. Wooden Heart (feature)

7. Eye of the Storm (feature)

8. Drunk Santa (Anarchy Slam)

9. The Truth About Secrets (feature)

10. Ok Stupid (haiku) (feature)

11. Soft-Bellied Beast (group piece co-written with Duncan Shields, Jillian Christmas, Erin Kirsh, and Floyd VB) (feature)

12. Dark Flower

13. Breakup Cake

14. Quit Hitting Yourself

15. Art and Commerce

16. Younger Me

17. Hey There Bookshelf

18. My Favourite Things

19. Vancouver

20. Doctor Love

21. To Geek or Not to Geek

22. Middle Aged Wolf

23. The Heat Death of the Universe

24. Video Game Heart

25. Strawberry Moon Heart

26. We Are Here

27. When I Get Older

28. Janice

29. Eden Was a Library

30. Dawn of the Dead

31. Audrey

32. Bob Ross History

33. Jack O Lantern

34. 4 Women (Widow, Tailor, Glass Blower)(vs 4 min sac)

35. Darkness Lighthouse (vs 1 min sac)

36. I’d Lick a Clean Asshole (haiku) (vs 1 min sac)

37. Entropy (haiku)

38. Love has a great sense of smell (Haiku)

39. Mean isn’t strong and kind isn’t weak (haiku)

40. Pretending to be polite (haiku)

41. Cold, hard cash (haiku)

42. Red Wedding (haiku)

43. Hide and Seek (haiku)

44. Horrible with feces (haiku)

45. Bad Parent (haiku)

46. You don’t think  you’re beautiful (haiku)

47. It’s not slavery if you pay them (haiku)

48. Mark

49. Dance

50. Traffic

51. Hindsight is shitty (words in motion improv)

52. Bus Talk 1

53. Gently Does It

54. Blaug the Boring Dragon (Instant Poetry Slam)

55. Gravity

56. Antimatter (Youth Nerd Slam Feature)

57. 12 Stardates of Christmas  (Youth Nerd Slam Feature)

58. Silicon Suicide  (Youth Nerd Slam Feature)

59. Binary  (Youth Nerd Slam Feature)

60. Robot Rebel’s Lament  (Youth Nerd Slam Feature)

61. Serenity  (Youth Nerd Slam Feature)

62. Someone Will Love You

63. The Straight Line of Life

64. Lovesick

65. Everyone Hates Being Little

66. Intelligent Design

67. Canadian Wizard

68. High Horse Shetland Pone (haiku deathmatch)

69. Rock, Paper, Scissoring (haiku deathmatch)

70. Robin Williams (haiku deathmatch)

71. Aphasia

72. Pessimist Prime (Haiku)

73. Toys

74. Fifty Ent (Haiku)

Dylan Williamson

1.That’s Romantic

2. Gas Stove Sparkler

3. Birthday Cakes in Bonfires

4. Don’t Be An Elbow (words in motion improv)

5. Summer

6. Just Goblin Things

7. Awkward Phase

8. Building Walls

9. 100 Year High School Reunion

10. Denim Eyepatch Bros

11 This IS that kind of wet t-shirt (Slamathon)

12 Pug’s Breath (Slamathon)

13 I’m gonna be an angel (Slamathon)

14 Chocolate Haiku (Slamathon)

15. Kites

16. I Need To Get My Shit Together

Erin Kirsh

1. Mother Iscariot (group piece co-written with Jillian Christmas) (feature)

2. The 7 Bus (feature)

3. Period Sex is Convenient (haiku) (feature)

4. Soft-Bellied Beast (group piece co-written with Duncan Shields, Jillian Christmas, Erin Kirsh, and Floyd VB) (feature)

5. Feminist Ryan Gosling

6. Early Recliner

7. on this shitty, hungover morning I was like, how do you deal with self loathing? Then I remembered I’m supposed to be a writer

8. I don’t know what to put on my resume anymore

9. Rememberance Day

10. A Long Line of Pessimists

11. Untitled

12. The Disneyland Marriage Delusion

13. Teutonic Linguist

14. Missing the Point is Awkward (haiku)

15. Sometimes I Speak From My Vagina (haiku)

16 Going Down (haiku) (slamathon)

17 Toss Saland (haiku) (slamathon)

18 16 year old (haiku) (slamathon)

19 Absinthe (haiku) (slamathon)

20 I love my shallow pussy (haiku) (slamathon)

21 Anemic (haiku) (slamathon)

22 Boring Shower Sex (haiku) (slamathon)

23 Pokemon (haiku) (slamathon)

24 Could Be Worse (haiku) (slamathon)

25 I Like You Dude (haiku)  (slamathon)

26 Temporary (slamathon)

27 Big Papa (haiku) (slamathon)

28 He Cries (haiku) (slamathon)

29 Bald Eagle (haiku) (slamathon)

30 Money Mouth (haiku) (slamathon)

31 Gynecologist (haiku) (slamathon)

32 Penny (haiku) (slamathon)

33 Landlord vase (haiku) (slamathon)

34 Brink of Orgasm (haiku) (slamathon)

35 Opinions and orgasms (haiku) (slamathon)

36 Oil Pulling (haiku) (slamathon)

37 If you can’t literally hug a tree in Vancouver, where the fuck are you supposed to go? (slamathon)

38 Bangles (haiku) (slamathon)

39 Pen (haiku) (slamathon)

40 New Testament (haiku) (slamathon)

41 Shower Head (haiku) (slamathon)

42 Coke Nose (haiku) (slamathon)

43 Handcuffs (haiku) (slamathon)

44 Go Fuck Yourself (haiku) (slamathon)

45 Rim Jobs (haiku) (slamathon)

46 Research (haiku) (slamathon)

47 Negotiations in the Hush (slamathon)

48 Pretending (haiku) (slamathon)

Giselle Miller

1. Grandma

2. Blue Eyes

3. Failure

4. Smart Women

5. Complicated

6. Woman

7. Language

8. Anthem

9. Psychosis

10. Shattered Mirrors

11. Misery

12. I Feel It

13. Paranoia

14. Who Am I?

15. My Pills Sing to Me (haiku deathmatch)

16. Damn I’m Looking Fina (haiku deathmatch)

17. Mind Wants Focus (haiku deathmatch)

18. Judge Judy

19. Insanity

20. Stigma

Hannah Johnson

1. Harrison Ford’s Biceps

2. Jacob’s Ladder

3. Don’t Have Sex With Hipster Douchebags

4. Dear Mother

5. Water Baby

6. Things to Pack

7. The Church of the Dust Bowl

8. What Grandpa Saw in the Corner of the Room

9. Everything Would Have Been Fine If You Had Just Stayed on Your Side of the Internet

10. The Earthquake In My Grandmother’s Head

11. The Gospel According to Dale

12. The Last Straw

13. The Reptile In The Room

14 Skins (Slamathon)

15 When you take a lover just to feel good about yourself (Slamathon)

16 Hungry Love (Slamathon)

17 Kissing Girls (Slamathon)

18 Dear Lover Long Gone (Slamathon)

19 Squash Soup (Slamathon)

20 Robson Park Meditation (Slamathon)

21 Years Later (Slamathon)

22 The Gods Have Broken Things (Slamathon)

23 The Nesting Doll Poem (Slamathon)

24 Palace of Purification (Slamathon)

25 Conversations With Mother (Slamathon)

26. Security Penis

27. Future Love Poem

Julie Peters

1. Heart Swinging Wide

2. The Day After a Lunar Eclipse

3. Rewilding

4. Trash Can

5. Hungry

6. Moon

7. Eddies

8. My Name

9. Wild Room

10. Blue Lotus

11. Beyonce

12. Incantation

13. Worm Moon

14. The Talk In My Body

15. Stealing Flowers

Kenn Dubois


2.Standards of Measurement

Leslie Stark

1. Rock Paper Scissors (w/ Julie Parrell)

Lisa Slater

1. What to Expect When You’re Pushing the Patricarchy’s Baby Out of Your Vagina

Lucia Misch (as Lucy Mishticks)

1. But it was in that moment that Isildur, son of the king, took up his father’s sword (Anarchy Slam)

2. In Event of Moon Disaster

3. Wallabese

4. Robert Pickton

Lindi Nolte

1. Amazing Grace

2. Excuses

3. The Butterflies We Keep

4. Tuna Fish

5. I Was Eleven

6. With Eyes Open

7. Dear Human being

8. Move

Matt Loeb

1. My Autobiographical Autobiography About Me

2. Scifi Lingo Oh My

3. Enough Has Happened

4. Red Wine and All You Can Eat Pancakes

5. Living Alphabetically

6. Blankie

7. Sci Lingo We Ride

8. Grey Scale

9. Confidence and Paranoia

10. Lead by Example

11. Love Poem to Rachel Taylor

12. I Met You

13. Half Human Half Man

14. Island Treatment Plan (Instant Poetry Slam)

15. Gooder Later Than Never

16. Bee-Lieve in Yourself

17. Poet Start

18. Things I Lost in the Fire

19. Or the Kids, Alright?

20. Cover Letter to Our Reptilian Overlords

21. Open Position

22. My Father’s Mid-Life Crisis or Why I Can’t Have Anything Nice

23. Kitty Pride

24 Is Portuguese? (Slamathon)

25 Hydro Tower (Slamathon)

26 System Built For Me (Slamathon)

27 The News (Slamathon)

28 My Socks (Slamathon)

29 Routine (Slamathon)

30. From Earth to the Moon (haiku deathmatch)

31. Will You Suck my Cock (haiku deathmatch)

32. Necro Bestiality (haiku deathmatch)

33. Words From My Face Hole (haiku deathmatch)

34. Plastic Bedsheets (haiku deathmatch)

35. Great North Korea (haiku deathmatch)

36. The One Where Matt Ruins Himself for Always

37. Free Bajor

38. A Poem About Poetry

Max Cekota

1. Not Biking

2. Beyond Time

3. Porn Addiction

4. Likeness

5. Succeeding

6. Dream Reading

7. Since When

8. Open Me

9. N.A.Y.

10. I’m All Yours

11. Leaves

Natalie Talson

1. Truth Tactic

2. Yogi Sex

3. Sexy Soul

4. I’ve Lost the Will to Write

5. Dad

6. Celestial Immutability

7. Cloning

8. 15

Pam Bentley

1. At Recess End

2. Three Voices (Anarchy Slam)

3. Spilling it All at the Bar B Slam

4. What I Am Given

5. Rabbit-Footed

6. Mother-Daughter Sweaters

7. Multitudes

8. On Hearing Bill Bissett’s ‘Hungry Throat’

9. I Got Myself a Gigolo

10. An Archaeologist’s Joke

11. Be

12. Fuck Me After Maggie Estep

13. 5×5 Lines for my 25 minute morning bus ride to work

14. March 19th 2003

15. Afternoon at the Rio Arriba Detention Center

16. Bees, Chickens, Trees

17. Crush

18. Crumbs of a Mouse

19 Blister in the Sun (slamathon)

20 Saturday’s Landscape (slamathon)

21 Ode to a 70s Impala (slamathon)

22 High School Reunion (slamathon)

23 Learning the Ways (slamathon)

24 Fault Lines (slamathon)

25 The Comfort of Doubles (slamathon)

26 Love and Romance is Risky (slamathon)

27 Dangerous Profession (slamathon)

28 Pick-up at a Poetry Slam (slamathon)

29 For Danny (slamathon)

30 Where the Medicine Is (slamathon)

31 Barely Translatable (slamathon)

32 When You Decide to Leave a City  (slamathon)

33 Tiree (slamathon)

34 One Woman Show (slamathon)

35 What If (slamathon)

36 There Are Days Like This (slamathon)

37 Supply and Demand (tanka) (slamathon)

38 Disgruntled (tanka) (slamathon)

39 Push Tantrum (tanka) (slamathon)

40 First of 3 days’ rain (tanka) (slamathon)

41 Young Man W/headphones (tanka) (slamathon)

42 Insite (tanka) (slamathon)

43 Windiest Corner (tanka) (slamathon)

44 Viking Man (tanka) (slamathon)

45 is a (haiku) not a (tanka) (slamathon)

46. Stories Lost In The St Laurence

RC Weslowski

1. Five Reasons Why The Breakup Was Inevitable as told by 5 Haiku

2. Recipe for Success (Words in Motion improv)

3. Gumhead

4. Samovars and Merkins

5. In Lieu of Calling Her Beautiful

6. Let’s Not Get it Together

7. 10,000 Tiny Lighters At A Whitesnake Concert

8. The Crime Minister Is Watching

9. Bucket of Zaaaaa

10. Permanent Record

11. Bullet Pow Bomb Boom

12. There’s No Fucking Time to Fucking Live

13. Pet Your Mom

14. Believe In Your Wuzza

Rachel Taylor

1. Empty

2. Andrea Gibson’s Love poem (Anarchy Slam)

3. I Wish That I Could Hate You

4. My First Kiss

5. Rachel Taylor-Swift

6. Hot and Sour Soup

7. Barista Heart

8. Things You Should Throw Away But Can’t

9. Head to Heart-Heart to Head

10. For Now I Am Six

11. Nerdy Love Poem

12. Pretty Girls

13. Beautiful

14. Coming Out

15. Fucking Love Poem

16. Love Letter to a Dancer’s Feet

17. Confessions

18. Straight Girls Are My Kryptonite

19. Taylor Family


1. To My Future Children

2. Fault Lines

3. No Homo

4. All Along

5. Tic Toc

6. Rapologies

7. Dear Mom

8. Eighth Note Bandit

9. 10 ways to tell if you’re in love with someone you’ve never really met

10. To the Manly Man Daddy

11. Eulogy for Fred Phelps

12. Never Piss Off a Slam Poet

13. You’re Beautiful

14. Breakup Poem to Vancouver

15. A Love Called Icarus

16. Twisted Trunk

17. Diva Cup (With Melissa Illing, Andrew Warner, and Mariah Dear) (Feature)

Shayne Avec I Grec

1. Flip The Bird

2. A Nautical Cod Lyms

3. (Not A) Revolutionary Poem

4. One With Everything

Sho Wiley

1. Anniversary

2. Sharpening

3. The Eagle


1. Salmoncityholocaust

2. School Bust

3. In The Skin

4. Punctuation

5. Pen Versus Fist


1. Zeroes and Ones

2. Hate 1 (Anarchy Slam)

3. Whatever It Is We Need to Become

4. Pink Zebringos

5. Legs Dangling

6. Post Structurialist Debate

7. Ron Jeremy’s Nuts (haiku deathmatch)

8. Binary Systems (haiku deathmatch)

9. This Blanket of Words