Annual General Meeting set for April 11th
Come one, come all to Vancouver Poetry House’s general meeting. We will review 2014, providing information about all four VPH programs as well as our recently completed financial statements.
When: Saturday, April 11th, 1–2:30pm
Where: VanCity’s community boardroom, 1675 Commercial Drive (Commercial @ 1st Ave)
There will also be elections for the VPH board of directors. If you are interested in running for a position on the board it is highly recommended that you contact an existing board member first. The current board consist of: Julie Peters (President), Leslie Stark (Treasurer), Eileen Stephens (Secretary), Dana Kagis (Director-at-Large), and Nooreen Nathoo (Director-at-Large). If you don’t know them personally, send VPH a message and it will be forwarded to the board.
We hope to see you there!