Youth Poetry Slam Nov 23rd featuring Rachel Rose
This is the 5th youth slam of the 2015/2016 season. Poets between 13-20 years of age are encouraged to come out and compete for points to try and qualify for the youth slam team playoffs in March 2016. Sign up to perform is at 7pm. The show starts at 8 o’clock.
To be eligible for the playoffs you need to slam/compete at least TWICE during the regular season and you CANNOT be turning 21 BEFORE Sept 1st, 2016.
Poets collect points by making it in to the 2nd round of the poetry slam. Barring a tie, the top 5 poets on the night make the 2nd round. 12 poets sign up in the 1st round. Poems should be no longer than 3 minutes in length. No props or costumes are allowed to enhance your performance.
Besides the poetry slam we also have a poetry open mic to start off the evening as well as a featured poet. This month we are extremely fortunate to have as our feature, Vancouver’s current Poet Laureate, Rachel Rose…
“Recently a fellow at Iowa City’s International Writing Program, Rachel Rose ( is the winner of the Peterson Memorial Prize for poetry and the Bronwen Wallace award for fiction, and the recipient of a 2014 and 2016 Pushcart Prize. A chapbook, Thirteen Ways of Looking at CanLit, was recently published BookThug, and a new collection, Marry & Burn, has just been launched by Harbour.”
Doors and sign up at 7pm. $4 for 18 and under. $6-$10 for 19 and up.
We acknowledge this event is taking place on unceded Coast Salish Territory. We also strive to be a trans friendly venue. Please be kind to our volunteer door staff. They are simply enforcing fire code rules when allowing people into the venue. CASH ONLY at the door.