Angelica Poversky
Angelica Poversky is at times a silver tongued enthusiast, peanut admirer, egg ponderer and pee straddler. She loves spoken word poetry and believes in manipulating language to make the intangible, tangible. Angelica has had her poetry lead her to make cliques, like the Vancouver Youth Slam Team 2016-2017 team, the 2017-2018 UBC Slam Team and a poetry trio, The Tiny Tricycle Poets.
Devoting her brain to contemplating social issues and the limits of imagination, Angelica has performed at events like the Voice Against Violence Against Women Conference, Top 25 under 25 Canadian Environmentalists and TedXYouth. Recently she released her own chapbook, “Strange and Quiet Odours from Within the Eggs of Imagination.”
Mighty Mike McGee and Friends with Sheri-D’s Dragon Rouge CD Launch