(Re)Name That Festival

We’re holding a contest to rename VIPF. What should we call it?

The Vancouver International Poetry Festival (VIPF) is a very dignified name for a festival. It certainly conveys much of what we aim to present, but it lacks pizzazz. Rather than use a few minds to come up with a new name, we’ve decided to draw upon the creativity of the community around us – which is filled with writers – to drum up new ideas.

What do you think the festival should be called?

Send your submissions to hello@vancouverpoetryhouse.com with the subject heading “Festival Renaming Contest” by August 20th. The winner will receive two full-access passes to next year’s festival! These passes let you attend all festival events, including Van Slam Finals, Canadian Indie Finals, the newly-launched Spoken Word Marquee Series, and more. Submit as many entries as you like. There is no contest entry fee. The contest is open to anyone.

The focus of the festival is shifting from strictly poetry to spoken word, which can encompass performance artists, singer-songwriters, comedians, and more. The new name should reflect this. Be abstract with your suggestion. Think laterally. What single punchy word conveys the feeling that spoken word gives you?

The winner will be announced on September 1st through VancouverPoetryFestival.com!

To spark your imagination, here are some examples of other festival names we like. These logos are very elegantly designed, but you don’t need to send us a logo, just a name.