Registration Opens for Hullabaloo 2014
Registration for the 4th annual Hullabaloo is now open. The festival will run April 24–26 at Astorino’s, a venue run by our new sponsor, the Brittania Community Centre. It will be filled with amazing feature poets, workshops, All-Star Slams, 16 teams of youth poets, and plenty of community spirit!
Teams are made up of 3–6 youth poets. Please read the rules and format for details on how the slam tournament runs.
All participating youth poets in Hullabaloo teams must be younger than 19 years old as of April 26, 2014.
Four teams who participated in last year’s festival have already pre-registered to return, which means there are 12 spots left. If your school or organization participates this year, you’ll receive access to pre-registration next year.
To register:
1. Send an email to with your school/organization name & address and teacher sponsor/slam coach name & telephone number.
2. Send a cheque made out to “Vancouver Poetry House” for $160 to:
Vancouver Poetry House
#501– 1701 Powell Street
Vancouver, BC
V5L 5C9
Your school/organization’s registration will only be confirmed once the cheque is received. At that point, a receipt will be emailed to you. If necessary, we can provide an invoice ahead of time.