Help Wanted

The Board is proposing changes to the Vancouver Poetry House Society Constitution and By-Laws. The purpose of these changes is to encourage member & community participation in governance of the Society. Specifically, we wish

  1. to make it easier for working artists who are members of VPH to also be a director on the Board without forgoing paid work as a poet and performer, and
  2. to support the current and future VPH Boards of Directors in its attempts to encourage and support the larger poetry community and its individual persons.

How this would work:

  • The By-Law Committee would create a proposed new set of by-laws and constitution. (Apart from an initial in-person meeting, the work of this Committee would be done online through Google Drive.)
  • The By-Law Committee would submit proposals to the full Board of Directors.
  • If passed by the Board, the Board would call a General Meeting of Members and put the proposed changes to the membership.
  • If passed by Special Resolution, the membership (in the form of its Board delegate) would submit the changes to BC Registries and once certified, would take effect as VPH law.

If you would like to be part of this working committee, please contact Carol (Director) at The first (and perhaps only) in-person meeting will take place on February 3, 2019 at noon in the VPH offices.