The new youth slam season saunters on as we get ready for our 3rd slam for poets aged 13-20 to try and earn points towards making the 2017 youth slam team. To qualify for playoffs you need to slam at least twice during the year AND you can’t be turning 21 before September 1st, 2017.
There are 2 round of competition with up to 12 poets competing in the first round and the top 5 in the second round (barring any ties happening.) So come prepared with at least 2 poems to perform if you are competing.
We will also have a feature performance from legendary Victoria Poet, Tom Fowler…”An intrepid dada-tective tryin’ to solve the case of the West Coasst Weird. Tom Fowler moves like a ghost through open mics of Victoria. The walls shout “What’s about to happen? The Platitudipus leads a chorus of talking animals, “Everything! Nothing” Then it gets weird”
Doors and sign up at 7. Show at 8pm.
$4 for 18 and under. $6-$10 for 19 and up.
We acknowledge this event is taking place on unceded Coast Salish territory. We also strive to have our events be trans friendly events and we hope you can assist us with that. Also it’s CASH ONLY at the door. Be nice to our volunteers please. for more info.