There are 5 Mondays in the month of August so to help avoid confusion this is a reminder the YOUTH SLAM HAPPENS ON THE 4th MONDAY OF EACH MONTH not the last monday. (I’m not shouting here just adding emphasis.)
This will be the 2nd slam of our young new season. Poets 13-20 years of age are out to gain points towards making the youth slam playoffs in March of 2017. To make the team you MUST slam at least twice during the season (July-Feb) and NOT be turning 21 BEFORE September 1st, 2017.
If you are slamming please be prepared with at least 2 poems to perform. Poems shouldn’t be longer than 3 minutes for the competition.
This month we are excited to have as our featured poet, Mitcholos Touchie
“Mitcholos is a First Nations artist from The Edge Of The World, the West Coast of Vancouver Island.
A former youth advocate and community leader, Mitcholos moved to Vancouver with no prior contacts or connections.
In the 2 years since then, his work has been published in Montreal’s Dominion mag, and has been heard by audiences all around British Columbia, including the actual government of British Columbia, Sarah McLachlan, and other important white people”
We acknowledge this event is taking place on unceded Coast Salish Territory. We also strive to be a trans friendly so thanks for helping make that happen.
It’s cash only at the door. Please be kind to our door volunteers. They help make the Van Slam world go ’round. for more info.