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April 24, 2015 @ 10:30 pm

| Free

Underground Indies is the chance for individual slammers to show the breadth and depth of their poetic skills. After day one of prelims on Friday April 24th, we’ll take the poetry off the stage and put it into a different format. The audience will be arranged in a circle around the performance area. There will be no stage and no microphone. Instead 16 poets will compete in a head-to-head format to determine the best slam poet at Hullabaloo.

Alice MacKay Room (downstairs from the main concourse).
Starts after Day One Team Bouts, around 10:30pm.
Ends around midnight.


Each school can nominate one poet to represent them at Underground Indies. This might be the winner of your school slam or your team captain. The selection process is up to the school or organization. If we have less than 16 reps, then we will have an open sign-up directly proceeding the competition to bring the number of slammers up to 16.

There are no judges, or rather, everyone is a judge. 16 poets are randomly chosen into 8 pairings. In each pairing, the two poets play rock/paper/scissors to determine who goes first. After both poets have performed, the winner is determined by audience applause.

To go all the way and complete the final match at Underground Indies, a poet will need four poems.

The time limit of 3 minutes and 10 seconds is still in effect. If a poet goes over time, the host will enter the circle and interrupt their poem.

As in previous Indies Finals, the final round has no rules. It is the Anarchy Round. You can have multiple people, music, props, costumes, whatever you like. However, unlike previous years, breaking the rules is no longer a requirement of the Anarchy Round. And yes, the time penalty is still in effect in the Anarchy Round. That is one rule you can’t break.

Accessibility info

The VPL Central Branch has elevators to reach the downstairs rooms where the Hullabaloo events are being held. There are wheelchair accessible bathrooms. For more details, refer to their list of facilities.


April 24, 2015
10:30 pm
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