Word Travels founder Miles Merrill invites you to the business-side of being an artist. This workshop looks at the website, contacts, contracts, grants, collaboration, newsletters, international touring, impact and the whole apparatus required for you to take the next, big step.
Doors 3:30 PM / Start 4:00 PM / Havana Theatre / $20 Adv / $25 Door / Limited Space!
Accessibility for the Havana Theatre
Havana Theatre is a mostly accessible venue. To reach the theatre, you must pass through the restaurant to the gallery space. On the right, is a black door leading into the theatre. There is a narrow hallway and two doors to access the performance space. This narrow hallway is possible for wheelchairs to pass through, but can be difficult for larger scooters to maneuver. There are no stairs. Washrooms are located at the end of a hallway which is maneuverable but also narrow.
This event is a scent-reduced space. To assist us in our goal of increased access, please be aware of our attempt to reduce the impact of personal scented products (perfumes, scented oils, etc) in our festival spaces.