The All Star Slam is back. This year we have two of our festival features taking part along with a returning poet from 2020 plus our wonderful host Johnny D. Trinh. This year we feature Apollo The Child, Nisha Patel and Ruthless in a 3 round head to head All Star Slam battle. Johnny D. Trinh will once again be your ringmaster for this event. This year of course will be a bit different as we’re hosting this event online and in the evening.
Following the All Star Slam we will have our first ever Hullabaloo Videopoem Festival. Individual poets from our registered teams have put together some videopoems to debut at this year’s festival. We’ll take a look at what they’ve created and how they’ve incorporated multimedia into their presentation. We’re looking forward to some groundbreaking content. Please join us.
Zoom doors are at 6 with the evening starting at 6:30 and running til around 9.
“Khaleefa ‘Apollo the Child’ Hamdan is a spoken word poet, hip hop artist, radio host, youth worker and is the former co director of the Urban Legends Poetry Collective. Apollo created the free after school youth writing program Youth Speak with the Ottawa Public Library and he hosts the Home Invasion Show on CKCUFM. His cinepoem ‘My Hero Drives a Cab’ was featured on Button Poetry and he was part of the CBC documentary ‘In Their Words’. Apollo has represented Ottawa a total of 9 times nationally. Apollo continues to be an active part of the art scene as he continues to grow and spread positivity.”
Nisha is an award-winning Indo-Canadian poet, artist, and public speaker in Edmonton, Alberta. She is the current Poet Laureate for the City of Edmonton and Regional Writer in Residence at Strathcona County and St. Albert. She is also the 2019 Canadian Individual Slam Champion, the 2019 Edmonton Slam Champion, and the Executive Director of the Edmonton Poetry Festival. Her debut collection COCONUT is forthcoming with Newest Press in April 2021
Ivy Edad aka ruthless is a Filipinx writer born in Manila, Philippines. In 2014, they moved to the stolen territories of Katie, Semiahmoo, Kwantlen, Kwikwetlem, Qayqayt, and Tsawwassen First Nations. Ruthless has performed on stages across Canada including the finals of Canadian Festival of Spoken Word in 2019 as part of Kwantlen Poetry Project. Their work can be found in pulpMAG, For Women Who Roar, and various other publications. Ruthless attributes their relationship to words with an indecisive lover. They write to make words love them back, and revels in the rejection they constantly receive.