Read/perform your own or someone else’s poetry or sponsor someone else you want to hear.The whole thing is a $2/minute fundraiser for the 2017 Vancouver Poetry Slam team to help pay for their trip to perform at Canadian Festival of Spoken Words in Peterborough in the Fall. The team is Trev Spilchen aka Spillious, Julia Pileggi, Molly Billows, Johnny Trinh, and Matt Miller.
As of August 9 at midnight, there are only eleven 5 minute spots left
in the whole day of poetry!!
If you wanna be part of the Slamathon ya better hurry up & sign up for some time!
Here’s the link:
You can also go to the above link to find out when all the amazing artists who have already signed up, will be performing.
Names like Jillian Christmas, Lucia Misch, RC Weslowski, Duncan Shields, Johnny MacRae, Vancouver Youth Slam team, Lip Balm, Spillious, Johnny Trinh, Julia Pileggi, Spillious, Q, Richard Glen Lett, Dave Rankin, Coral More, Rachel Taylor, jp lorence, Scott Ramsay, Andrew Warner, Sho Wiley, Darry Danzig, Justin Peter Willem Bige, Rachel Goddard, Jano, Nova & +
Pamela Bentley our feature performer!!!!
She’ll be on at 4:30!
While the Slamathon spots are almost full, we still have up to 10 spots available for the 1st Annual Head to Head C.O.W Slam.
This is a head to head summer slam championship,
$10-20 sliding scale entry fee,
$50 1st Prize (along with the coveted COW cup & Slam team re-gift basket)
Contact Matt. Miller or Trev Spilchen if you wanna grab a spot for this super fun slam.
Also bring some money for yummy snacks & beverages, and…
Throw water balloons at Van Slam Team members!
All to raise funds for grassroots arts in Vancouver.
Van Slam’s Carnival of Words (formerly Slamathon) Fundraiser