New Venue for Hullabaloo 2015 & a New Youth Slam

Vancouver Poetry House has struck a new partnership for Hullabaloo 2015 with the Vancouver Public Library. All events will be held at the central branch in the gorgeous Alice McKay and Peter Kaye rooms – and all shows will be free! We are excited to have such a fantastic downtown location … Continued

Day One Team Results & First Underground Indies Champ

Astorino’s and The Prophouse Café were bouncing with excitement. After the first day of the team competition, the standings look like this: All the school teams have given themselves funky nicknames, as you can tell. The teams are ranked by their placing in each bout. The first level tiebreaker is … Continued

Registration Opens for Hullabaloo 2014

Registration for the 4th annual Hullabaloo is now open. The festival will run April 24–26 at Astorino’s, a venue run by our new sponsor, the Brittania Community Centre. It will be filled with amazing feature poets, workshops, All-Star Slams, 16 teams of youth poets, and plenty of community spirit! Teams … Continued

Dates Announced for Hullabaloo 2014

Hullabaloo returns for its 4th annual youth spoken word festival on April 24–26 at Vancouver’s Brittania Community Centre. This centre is at the heart of Vancouver’s spoken word community on Commercial Drive. All teams that registered for Hullabaloo 2013 will be given a chance to pre-register for Hullabaloo 2014 from … Continued

Two Weeks Left to Register

Registration for Hullabaloo closes on January 31st. We’ve had a tremendous response with many schools already signed up; however, there are a couple spots still available. You need a minimum of three student poets (or BC teens if you’re associated with a youth organization) to form a team (you can … Continued

Team Registration Now Open!

Head’s up! Team registration for Hullabaloo 2013 opens today. It is on a first-come, first-served basis, along with consideration for regional representation around BC. We are planning to admit only 16 teams to this year’s tournament, so it’s a good idea to register sooner than later. The festival will take … Continued

Registration Opens November 1st, 2012

We’ve had a bunch of eager youth poets sending messages asking: How can my school register for Hullabaloo 2013? I don’t want to miss it. Well, don’t worry, you’ve haven’t missed any deadlines yet. Hullabaloo 2013 registration opens on November 1st, 2012. The registration fee will be $160 payable by … Continued

Tweaks to Format and Team Size

We’ve collected feedback at Hullabaloo 2012 through one-on-one conversations, a coaches / student captain meeting, and email surveys. After going through all this feedback, we’re making a number of changes. The main feedback from teachers and students is that everyone wants Hullabaloo to be a development festival, an event that … Continued

Save the Dates! Hullabaloo is Coming April 3–6, 2013

Big news! Hullabaloo 2013 has set its dates. The next BC youth festival of spoken word will happen April 3–6, 2013. That’s the week right after Easter from Wednesday to Saturday. The event schedule is still being finalized, but the goal has been to compress the festival, shortening it by … Continued

Results from Team Finals

Hullabaloo culminates in the Team Finals bout. Last year, Reynolds won and South Delta came in second. This year, they switched spots with South Delta taking first place and Reynolds taking first runner-up. Vancouver island was well-represented with Glenlyon Norfolk and Reynolds both from the Victoria area, and both making … Continued

Results from Indies Finals

The Indies Finals competition blew the roof on The Rio Theatre. 12 of the best youth poets in BC participated in a three round slam of poetic madness. The first round was a 3-minute round with regular slam rules. 12 poets performed and the top 7 advanced (highlighted in blue). … Continued

Final Standings from Prelims

After two evenings of astounding poetry, the results are in. These numbers do little to convey the courage and beauty of all of the poems presented, but it is an essential part of this crazy thing called poetry slam. Many members of the old guard of the Vancouver slam scene … Continued

Rankings after Day One

UPDATED (2:10pm, April 12, 2012): individual poets’ names added for Reynolds in Indies standings. If finals started today (and they don’t), the teams and individuals highlighted would advance. However there’s still a whole day of competition to go and anything could happen! Beside the team or individual name is the … Continued

Bout Draw & Wild Card Team

Preliminary bouts start today. Each team will compete in two different bouts. Because we have fewer than 16 team, a few teams will have to face each other twice (it’s a necessity, do the math). Scores will be posted online after each night at: Wednesday, April 11th Bout #1, … Continued

Tournament Schedule Streamlined & Workshops Added

Yesterday, the BC Teachers Federation made its announcements about how it will react to Bill 22, which imposes heavy fines for any further strikes. Hullabaloo has dodged a bullet, in terms of its timing, as the vote on whether or not teachers will stop volunteering their time to support extracurricular … Continued

Hullabaloo Team Bout Draw Announced

On Sunday, March 4th, at the Hullabaloo volunteer and button-making meet up, the team bout draw was conducted. All slots for bouts on the first day were randomly chosen. The second day bouts were determined by a formula that ensures no teams face other twice. Here are the results: Wednesday, … Continued