Call for writers

Hey, poets!

Looking for more ways to get your words out into the world? Have way more ideas than you can possibly share in a three minute poem at the poetry slam? Why not write a feature for Verses Festival of Words?

We’re looking for wordsmiths to write posts from now until the festival. Posts can be as simple as a featured poem or word of the day, and as involved as feature interview with one of our amazing festival poets. You’ll get a chance to work with our delightful festival team, connect with Vancouver’s poetry community, and get your name out there as a featured writer for this exciting festival.

Some ideas of what we might be looking for are below. Have an idea that you don’t see below? Send us an email at (and we will most likely say yes).

Potential column topics

Interviews with featured festival poets

Word of the day

Made up word of the day

Poem of the day

News posts about our festival poets and what they’re up to

News from the Vancouver Poetry Scene

Writing prompts

Beating writers’ block

Youtube poetry features