Wanda John-Kehewin

Wanda John-Kehewin is a Cree writer who came to Vancouver, BC from the prairies, on a Greyhound when she was nineteen and pregnant — carrying a bag of chips, thirty dollars and a bit of hope. Wanda has been writing about the near decimation of Indigenous culture, language and tradition as a means to process history and trauma that allows her to stand in her truth and to share that truth openly.  Wanda has published poetry, children’s books, graphic novels and a middle grade reader with hopes of reaching others who are trying to make sense of the world around them, especially if you think you come from nowhere and don’t belong either. With many years of travelling the healing path (well mostly stumbling), she brings personal experience of healing to share with others. Wanda is a mother of five children , one dog, two cats, one Angelfish, and one super cute grand dog.

Oral Traditions